Volta 1 extgends in next measurer

• Sep 6, 2024 - 00:54

I have a score in 6/8 time. The final measure before a repeat that is convered by Volta1 is not full count but the measure is set to 5/8. The volta extends into the next measure for what would be the 6th beat of the normal measurer. The volta does not seem to be able to be manipulated with the normal line length adjustiment tools. Image attached of the measure that is the second ending. Using version 4.4.

Attachment Size
volta.jpg 21.87 KB


I've managed to reproduce that.
How to reproduce:
1) Place a 5/8 time signature on the 5th measure of the third section of the score I have attached.
2) Add a repeat barline between the 5th and the 6th measures.
3) Place a 6/8 time signature on the 6th bar.
4) Delete the 7th (empty) bar.
5) Hide (V key) the added time signatures

But the faulty volta reprodused this way allows for manipulation. If what I have just described is the case, Just delete the first volta and reapply it to the measure before the repeat.

Don't use 5/8 and 7/8 time signatures for this. Adjust the "actual" measure duration https://musescore.org/en/handbook/4/measure-properties#measure-duration. If you can't see the hidden time signatures, check View-Show-Show invisible (https://musescore.org/en/handbook/4/user-interface#main-menu)

Am I correct in my assessment? Is that the source of the problem?

Attachment Size
Frozen Passage reduction.mscz 39.46 KB

In reply to by HildeK

It would make sense, yes. This is how it is notated now. But there is an old style of music notation mainly associated with the baroque period where that was the way to write something like this.
E.g. https://imslp.org/wiki/Hornpipe_in_E_minor,ZT_685(Purcell,_Henry) . (Althought the 6th volume of the works of Henry Purcell was engraved and published in 1895.)
For me there were nothing strange about such a notation and such a request.
Edit: https://imslp.org/wiki/Hornpipe_in_E_minor%2C_ZT_685%5F%28Purcell%2C_He…

In reply to by PhysNoval

Then do the voltas last. First write the notes in 5/8 and 6/8 and then put the repetition and the voltas.
If you put the volta first and then change the bar lengths, things like this will happen.

BTW: Your link to Henry Purcell's work is broken.

Just reproducing what was in the original score of Griegs Lyric Pieces Op 54 and commenting on the fact that Musescrore didn't end the volta at the end of the measure upon which it was placed. Maybe because it was also a section end. Didn't try to move both volta measures into a single section. Will attach score incase someone finds an issue to what was actually implemented.

Attachment Size
Lyric Pieces.mscz 61.05 KB

In reply to by msokol

1) I can see that there are 2 first voltas in the same place.
2) I'm starting to descend into the rabbit hole of volta-related bugs. I don't yet know how you could make a volta to span across a page break if you have not used the time signatures as I described. Maybe it's 4.4.0 related.
3) To anyone interested:
3.1) Place a volta on a 6/8 bar. Enlarge the "actual" size of said bar to 7/8. The volta will retain its 6/8 size.
3.2) Place a volta on a 6/8 bar. "Disturb" the volta by changing its placement with LMB. Decrease the size of the bar to 5/8. Delete the volta. Select the bar with LMB. The bar will be displayed as if larger than it is.

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