
• Sep 7, 2024 - 03:18

After I had updated Musescore to the 4.4 version it has for some reason lost the ability to play the newer musesounds. The only soundfont that appears is the old version MS Basic. I have checked in musehub and I still have the sounds downloaded.


Which version of Muse Hub are you using? (You can see that on the Settings page of Muse Hub, or by right-clicking the system tray icon.)

Most likely, this means that Muse Hub has failed to update MuseSampler (the engine behind Muse Sounds). MuseScore 4.4 requires MuseSampler 0.6.0, and can't work with older versions anymore.

Judging from earlier reports, a possible reason why Muse Hub fails to update the sampler is that this sometimes doesn't work when MuseScore is still running.

To fix it, try the following:
1. Close all MuseScore windows entirely
2. Quit Muse Hub entirely
3. Reopen Muse Hub, and wait a few minutes; Muse Hub will try to auto-update MuseSampler in the background
4. After a few minutes, open MuseScore again

It would be interesting to know if this indeed fixes it!

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