Unable to download in any format

• Sep 8, 2024 - 02:09

I have a paid subscription and I'm unable to download in any format.
I realize I am unable to download Official songs.
Has anyone had this issue and if so how was you able to fix it?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as I am wasting my money on this program and I had a paid subscription for many years and never had any trouble before.
Kind regards


In reply to by Julie Hill

The reason is simple: Official scores are not included in the Pro subscription. If you want to download and print them, you have to buy them (the term is to buy a “credit”), knowing that the only format available is PDF (neither XML, nor .mscz).

In reply to by cadiz1

Thank you for your reply.
So I just looked for a beginner sheet to check/show that it’s not a PRO sheet.
When I click DOWNLOAD I get the option to Choose a File Format but it won’t allow me to go any further.
As I said I’ve used MuseScore for many years.
Would the problem be Version 4?
Thank you again for trying to assist.

Attachment Size
IMG_4006.jpeg 2.68 MB

In reply to by mark8too

I must admit I'm a bit confused. I checked my scores just now, and I could indeed see what you're saying. I even saw that some of my scores were proposed for at a price of $6.99! 😱 Incredible! I even have the proof - image below.

And a few minutes later, it disappeared. I guess it's a temporary problem with the site? I hope!! Same for the “I'm just Ken” score. I couldn't download it and now I can, in any format.
To be continued...


In reply to by [DELETED] 1307581

Still today? Of your first five scores, they are free for download in any format.
On some of my scores, the same ones that had the “Buy this score” tab have gone back to the way they were before, free to download. I confess I don't understand.
A temporary error in the referencing of the pieces on the site? I hope so... Stay tuned.

In reply to by HildeK

" have searched and found your "Fantasia 14" score.It is not free to download! Even today!"

Not here today for me directly on my account and on my scores, or via a title search on musescore.com. How could it be possible? Can you attach an image of what you see for this Fantaisia 14 on musescore.com

In reply to by HildeK

But it doesn't matter whether you have a Pro account or free account. This score, like all the others, is in the public domain (it's by a Spanish Renaissance composer), and licensed under a non-commercial Creative Commons license. It's clearly in my mind intended for free use by the Musescore community.

And I certainly don't want Musescore.com to take the liberty, without warning me, of appropriating it for commercial sales purposes. This is purely a violation of the rights of community members and of the license goal. I'm going to ask for an explanation. I really hope this is a mistake... If not, I'll remove all my scores (at least, I'll put them in private status).

In reply to by [DELETED] 1307581

How can you be so sure, since yesterday, for example, one of my pieces was paid for on certain accounts, including @Hildek ?
And so even if it is no longer, paying, on my account, it was, I do not know how long, and on other accounts which I obviously have no control. In short, the fact that your pieces on your account are free again is not sufficient proof...

This affair is too curious and serious. It deserves an explanation, if not an apology. I'm waiting a few days for someone from the musecore.com team. If he is willing to give a little time and agrees to come forward to me...

Same situation. Subscription Premium but unable do download any score. I sent message but still not anwer. Ive got the offer membership. Could it be the problem?. In any case I am premium on the site.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

My PRO subscription was due for renewal 11th but I stopped it. MuseScore seems have changed direction from where it started many years ago and seems to only offer paid sheets and that’s not what I need 90% of the time so I will take time out. And, with not being able to download anything is a problem.

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