Strange Opacity Issue

• Sep 8, 2024 - 22:47

For some reason ever since an update two weeks ago my musescore looks like this. But only on my second and third screens. It looks fine on my laptops screen, and ONLY musescore does this. No other app does this. Any ideas?

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2024-09-08 164524.png 1.19 MB


Try updating to the recent 4.4.1 version.

I have seen this behaviour when using a virtual machine to run MS4 and had to turn off 3D graphics to show the MS4 GUI correct. Perhaps the other screens use a different graphics card/driver which is causing this?

In 4.4.1 some changes have been made related to graphics (on Windows at least), not sure if they will be helping or not in tha case.

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