adding breath sound accessibly

• Sep 10, 2024 - 17:32

I am just new in muzic in general and musescore in particular. First of all So I have some questions about adding breath as a blind user:
First of all is there any shortcut to add breath withouth going to palets? it is tedious and as a flute player I need to add a lot of breath pouces.
furthermore How do I add a breath playback? When I added a breath sign, it doesn't do anything. I learnt that I need to change pause time with playback from properties. When I get there, niether NVDA nor jaws reads the dialogue box. is there any way to do it in a accesible way?
Lastly do I need to choose a time for all breath pauses or can I have a default time applied automaticly. related to that is there a endustry standart for it?
sorry for the long post. Best regards
PS: I use musescore studio 4.4 in windows 11


No, there is no shortcut available for breath marks, at least not that I'm aware of.
To change the length of the pause is only possible in the playback section of the properties dialogue.
I just checked it with Orca an MuseScore 4.1.1, here the screen reader reads all elements. So maybe it is indeed a NVDA and Jaws issue.
How it works for me:
- select the breath mark with alt+ arrow right/left
- navigate to the properties dialogue with tab, then press enter
- press tab - "generale" should be readed
- press arrow down three times to reach the playback section (after "visible" and "auto-place")
- press enter to select the playback section, "breath and pauses" should be readed
- with arrow down again you should reach the textfield to change the pause time

If the playback section is still open, I have somtimes to close it with escape and open it again, that the screen reader works.

Concerning your last question: if you want to have for all breath marks the same pause time, the easiest way should be first to enter all breath marks, then to select a breath and pressing shift+F10 to open the context menu. There you can can select all similar element, so that you can change the pause time for all breath marks at once.

Hope, I haven't make any major mistakes in my description ;-)

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