MIDI-Export Settings

• Sep 13, 2024 - 09:10

I'm a choir conductor and write most of the arrangements myself.
SO I set up an Arrangement Sop, Alto, Ten. Bass and musescore sets the sound to choir.

I then change the sounds back to piano in the mixer, in order to hear the correct rhythm etc. The choir sound gets a bit blurry.

Before switching to musescore I usually sent out MIDI-Files to my choir members, where I set their part a bit louder and the other parts softer in the background, so they can rehearse their parts on their own.

Now on musescore, I tried to do the same. I changed all sounds to Piano in the mixer und dragged the volume to the level needed. (all parts on -22, but one stays on 0) When I now export the MIDI-File, I receive a MIDI that plays choir sounds again and they are all set in the same volume. Even if I reimport it to musescore itself.

How can I set the volume and instrument settings to maintain in the file?
(I am aware that MIDI is a controller file not an audio file. But the controls should save the volume (in a numeric value) and the sound anyways, right?

Thanks for your help in advance


If you have four separate staves, one each for "Soprano", "Alto", "Tenor", and "Bass", you can do this easily. In the Mixer, set the volume for the "Soprano" staff to be louder than that of the "Alto", "Tenor", and "Bass" staves. Save this as <My_Song-Soprano.mxcz>. Repeat these steps for each part and save four separate files. Send appropriate files to appropriate singers.

If you have two staves, one for "Soprano" / "Alto" and the other for "Tenor" / "Bass", it's more difficult. You will need to first separate the voices into separate staves using Explode (see Implode and explode, then do the steps above.

Supposedly we'll be able to set the dynamics of voices within a staff separately soon, but I don't know when.

In reply to by TheHutch

Hello Hutch,
thank you for your response. The Method you described works, if I sent out musescore-Files. But sending out MIDI-Files, I experienced, that the settings I do in the mixer do not apply for the MIDI-Settings in the output and I desperately try to figure out, how I can change those.

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