"That" violin sound - again ...

• Sep 14, 2024 - 10:15

Is there any way I can abandon that horrible Violin 1 sound?

Sure - I know how to do it - but it's just such a pain that if I start a score, or import one from elsewhere, the violin often gets mapped to that Violin 1 sound.

Given that most of the other Muse Sounds instruments sound at least OK - and sometimes very good, this violin is a real let down.

If others want to keep it, that's OK, but it would be good if it wasn't always the default.

However did that get approved? And yes - I've heard that someone thought it was great - but. it really isn't!

I nearly always replace that Violin 1 - either with the Violin 2 sound, or one from an external library, such as CineSamples > Taylor Davies.

The results are then far better.


I don't think there is a way to change default instruments that get loaded.
Personally, I don't use hardly any "1" sounds.

true man. i worked a lot on muse 3 before and omg the solo violin sounded so freaking dry. i always hated it too. i would always switch to violins (section). however when im going to do a solo on a violin like what vivaldi does, the violins (section) at least personally are way worse than the violin solo. tho when i do the violin solo sound on muse 4 its even more horrifying. the player goes doing a glissando to another note. i know. the key is to use staccato. (idk how to spell it)

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