Bari sax part picking up the D.S. Al Coda, To Coda, and Segno markings from all other parts

• Sep 18, 2024 - 17:07

I just added a Bari sax to be arrangement and it is picking up the D.S. Al Coda, To Coda, and Segno markings from all other parts. And when I go to erase one, it erases them all, including the master chart. And it doesn't matter which of the 4 markings I erase, everything disappears. Is there anything I can do besides re-entering the markings again on the master chart?


I see from the score properties that this score originated as an xml import. There seem to be quite a few bugs with the import process. I suggest you report this on github. Go here and press the green button in the top right.

The problem seems quite stable - i.e. I haven't found a way to delete the multiple appearances. But as a not-very-satisfactory workaround you can make the extra ones invisible in the Bari part by selecting them and pressing keyboard shortcut V

[Edit] Where did the attached score disappear to?

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