Musescore has issues after recent update

• Sep 18, 2024 - 22:09

After a recent update, whenever I launch Musescore (version 4.4.2), it first opens as a blank screen and becomes usable only when I minimize and maximize it. As well as that, I use two monitors and with this bug came another weird one - although the app is set to open on my main monitor, the launch box shows up on my secondary monitor, and then whenever I want to select something from my dropdown menu, instead of it showing directly from the option I click on, it shows up on my secondary monitor (image added). This doesn't only happen for the dropdown menus, but for any new menu that opens and isn't part of the main menu/score editing - so any warnings on saving the file, editing the view/font, even creating a new score opens on my second monitor instead of my primary.

Are there any fixes to this? I tried searching for an answer but nothing seemed to work.

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Screenshot 2024-09-18 230834.png 153.04 KB


happens to me too. this is a known and reported bug since 4.4.1. Guess we just have to live with it. Genuinely thinking of buying sib because of how buggy musescore has become lol

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