finale to musescore - problem with lyrics, verse 2

• Sep 21, 2024 - 03:56

I am a Finale exile, trying to sort out Musescore. I’m having a problem with lyrics, as follows: I entered “Verse I” lyrics ok. But now I want to enter “Verse 2” so that the lyrics appear ABOVE the chord symbols. The reason is that the “lyrics” for verse 2 are really sets of four numbers corresponding to ukulele fret numbers. Can someone please advise me on how to do that. To help you understand what I’m trying to do, I’ve attached two files: 1) the Musescore file of “Temptation,” the song I’ve been working on, and which I may have messed up by various attempts to get what I was after; 2) a pdf of a different file, “Only trust your heart,” which was done in Finale, and will give you a clear picture of that I’m after. It’s possible that I’m thinking about this whole thing in the wrong way. For example, is it possible in Musescore to have those fret numbers somehow attached to the chord symbols themselves, so that we’re not dealing with “lyrics” and “verses” at all? Or, is it possible that Musescore can accommodate two different chord symbols at the same spot, one above the other, as if you wanted to provide an alternate harmonization? Just a couple of thoughts. Please advise, and thanks in advance.


To forget about the lyrics and verses (no more problem with lyrics and verse 2...!), the alternative might be to use the Figured Bass command: Ctrl + G
Otherwise, the remaining steps will be similar to those listed on your other thread. So:

  1. Enter fingerings with Ctrl + G
  2. Disable auto-place of chord symbols
  3. Disable auto-place of Figured bass
  4. Panel properties / Appearance tab: change vertical offset of Figured bass

    Video chords.gif

Some additional notes:

  • For some reason, the 0 in the first position is not allowed in Figured Bass (it clears itself when you move on to the next beat). The trick is, before entering the 0, to type Ctrl + Space (it's a non-breaking space). This applies to the A7, for example. You can then manually replace it with the left key. I can't think of any other constraints.

  • Disregard the light gray lines above the numbers in Figured Bass. They don't print, and you can hide them via the menu View / Show / Untick “Show Formatting”.

  • For steps 2 & 3, I use a shortcut (define it yourself in Preferences / Shortcuts) for “Select similar elements.” This avoids having to right-click to access the context menu. Here, I simply select, say, a chord symbol, then shortcut select similar elements.
    There's also a shortcut for “Toggle automatic placement for selected elements”, which you can define yourself. I haven't used it here for a better understanding of what to do, but I could have.
    All in all, this increases the speed of these steps considerably.

  • It is not possible to "accomodate two different chord symbols on the same spot"/note. It would be difficult to understand musically...

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