open a 4.x score with MU3.7

• Sep 21, 2024 - 14:48

I'm trying to open a MU4.x score with the API and MU3.7:

      onRun: {
            var thisScore = readScore("D:\\Misc\\temp\\HelloMU3.mscz", false);
            var thisScore = readScore("D:\\Misc\\temp\\HelloMU4.mscz", false);

And it fails.
If I set the interactive flag to true, MU popups a warning that the score is a MU4.x score. If I click on Ignore, the score is processed as accepted.

If I set the interactive flag to false, the score is not opened.

So "interactive=false" ≡ "stop opening the score if any warning".

Is this the expected behaviour ?

How could I, in non-interactive mode, force the score opening despite the warning ?


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