Using Play back Window

• Sep 22, 2024 - 08:25

When playing back "A House Is Not A Home" (see attachment) its running at half the requested tempo. Changing the tempo makes no difference.

Any ideas on what's not set correctly?


Attachment Size
A House Is Not A Home.mscz 55.73 KB


It works fine for me (Mu 4.4.0 on Windows 10):
- select the Tempo mark, edit 120 to 60 : the music plays at half speed.
- select the Tempo mark, edit 120 to 240 : the music plays at double speed.

Ensure that in the Properties panel the Tempo property Follow written tempo is enabled when you edit the tempo mark.

"Using Play back Window"
Sorry, I failed to read the title!
When you undock the Play window, any tempo changes made there are in percentage terms. And the tempo changes are only temporary. The tempo change is lost when you close the score.

If you want to change a tempo permanently, then Edit the Tempo mark directly on the score following the method I suggested originally.

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