Braille Support for creating Music Theory Worksheets

• Sep 23, 2024 - 18:21

Hello all,

I'm still a bit new to MuseScore, so please forgive me for my confusion. Hopefully you guys might know better! I'm an accessibility specialist at the University of North Texas and we're exploring the use of MuseScore to create music theory worksheets that can be exported to braille to support our students with visual impairments.

We ran into an issue recently where we found that the text elements (such as instructions but more importantly Roman Numeral Analysis) don't necessary translate to the braille file that was exported. Looking at it against the braille panel, I noticed that the added text elements don't necessarily appear in braille panel either. Seems like there may be a correlation between not being "visible/recognized" in MuseScore and the issues we've had with those text elements missing in the braille file.

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. And thank you all for making this great community!

  • Daniel
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Homework 2 Questions.mscz 33.48 KB

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