Musescore 4 Not running properly (3) (All versions)

• Sep 25, 2024 - 20:28

Hey there,

This past month, I've been attempting to fix my Musescore 4 installations, to which none of the versions have been working.

My previous troubles we're with any version of 4.4. The basics: the application would run, but I couldn't access the screen. Once I was able to, very few options we're accessible to me. I could only edit the starter test score. Any other score or function available in Musescore would completely freeze the application (even though Task Manager does not run it properly. For the original forum post, I will link it below

The solution at the time was to revert back to Musescore 4.2, but it was here where new errors would occur. I couldn't access any of the previous scores I had made (for context, I transferred them from my old mac to my new Windows 11). Even those that were downloaded from the cloud, listing them as "corrupt". It seemed that the further back I went on Musescore 4, the easier the program was to run though still littered with problems.

For assistance, I would love to start an call or email chain with one of the developers, but I would for anyone to help. Musescore 4 is my primary software as it pertains with my composition career, and I would rather find out how to fix this incompatibility rather than spend $70-100 for Dorico or Sibeliu. Would love any help! Thanks!


W11 sets itself to a suggested screen resolution and text size. Did you happen to change them? Are you using multiple monitors? Have you factory reset MuseScore? And reset to default layout?

In reply to by bobjp

I tried switch the resolution to see if that made a difference, but none of them did. I only have one monitor. I've done the factory reset and nothing has changed. I cannot reset the default layout because every function on MuseScore doesn't work. I've tried what seems like everything and nothing seems to work.

Your previous thread made it sound like you simply needed to update to 4.4.2 and that you did that and all was well. Sounds like you are now saying something else has gone wrong since doing that? Better to followup there so the whole discussion can be in one place. Otherwise it's too hard to follow what you've tried or not tried.

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