Pitch before Duration

• Sep 29, 2024 - 21:57

I have been using Musescore for over ten years, and the development in the program has seen leaps and bounds. I feel that the one of the most important features that Musescore is missing that competing programs have is a true Pitch Before Duration method. (Finale's speedy entry, Sibelius/Dorico's pitch before duration)

Many of my music professors that I have worked with regarding music engraving have mentioned that while Musescore has been improving in functionality the lack of this specific function turns users away. I understand that there is a function that uses the pedal that almost (I am not sure if it was my personal pedal or user error but I could not engrave my desired duration after numerous attempts) accomplishes this, but it is not the desired implementation. I have seen a few others write this in a couple of other forums, but the conversation always gets changed into a different discussion.

A description of the method would be:
(Midi keyboard is required)
1: Select desired pitch via midi keyboard (hold this pitch until pitch is selected, or the selected duration will become a rest.)
2: Use numeric pad to select duration (5 = quarter note, 4 = eighth note, etc.)

Sibelius does a phenomenal job at this job especially because it displays the pitch(es) on the staff while playing it back through the computer's speakers while previewing pitches.

Thank you for your time and attention.

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