Measured 32nds not playing correct octave

• Sep 29, 2024 - 23:10

Was writing for Viola. I'm already having a lot of issues with the viola playback. For one, it can't even play a high D6 (which means the musescore Viola can't even play the Stamitz concerto). Regardless, this is an issue that is consistently a problem whenever I'm writing for what is my primary instrument. I'm not sure if it's exclusive to viola. Measured 32nds are not playing in the correct octave; they play an octave above what they should. And for some reason, whatever octave the first group of measured 32nds plays determines what the playback is for the next few groups. I frankly don't understand how this happens.
This isn't even to mention the fact that pizzicato F naturals are out of tune, but I'm sure someone else has reported that.
Here is a video showing the problem:
musescore issue.png

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