Version 4.4.2: periodic inability to save the score

• Sep 30, 2024 - 17:39

I'm building a brand new score from scratch. After a while, the autosave function just chokes, and ceases letting me manually save the score. I did a save-as with a name change; that worked, allowing me a .mscz with all work saved (for what that's worth). There's little use to continue, until someone can hopefully determine the cause from the diagnostics zip I'm including. :-?


Can you explain what you mean in more detail? Autosave doesn't normally have anything to do with regular saves - even if autosave is disabled, regular saves still work normally. So what exactly are you referring to here - an issue with autosave, or an issue with regular saves? And what specifically goes wrong?

"Comment by Marc Sabatella:

Can you explain what you mean in more detail? Autosave doesn't normally have anything to do with regular saves - even if autosave is disabled, regular saves still work normally. So what exactly are you referring to here - an issue with autosave, or an issue with regular saves? And what specifically goes wrong?"
Autosave is generating multiple files, for one thing; separate autosave files, by virtue of unique names to each. Is this normal? To my knowledge, it never used to be, with this, or any other program I've ever used (e.g., Framemaker, Word, Sibelius). The autosaving is very obvious when it occurs, by everything freezing. and taking a bit longer to free up each time.
I've from experience have the habit of also manually saving periodically, so it's transparent to me whether or not there's any interplay for good or bad, between these two types of saving the work as I go.
What goes terribly wrong is simply this: after sporadic autosaves that apparently take a little longer to complete each, or the same with each manual save operation, I'm DENIED THE ABILITY TO SAVE THE FILE, period.

In reply to by Daniel Green

You mean there are multiple autosave files all for the same copy of the actual score (e.g., all in the same folder with same basename)? How are the file differentiated?

Anyhow, whatever is going on with your systems - a permissions problem in the folder, perhaps, or faulty sectors on the physical drive, or maybe a backup program leaving locks in place - is presumably the same thing causing problems for both autosave and regular save. But again, I'm confused - what exactly goes wrong when you try to save? What does "DENIED THE ABILITY TO SAVE THE FILE" mean? Some sort of error dialog? What does it say?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Marc, as I said in my reply to you, in the first sentence: " virtue of unique names to each.". Yes, they're all there in the same place, same folder, same directory. Each autosave file has the same base name, however, they're differentiated by unique augmentation to the base name. By "DENIED THE ABILITY TO SAVE THE FILE" I simply mean that I am denied the ability to have the score file I'm working on saved any further, and that happened each time I was attempting to save it manually. Is this clear enough? A simple dialog (monolog, really) informs me then, that "Sorry, but Musescore is unable to save the file".
Is the diagnostic zip file enough...? Initially I surmised that this zip file would contain everything needed to discern a clue as to what could be causing this anomalous behavior to occur. IS THERE ANYTHING MORE THAT I CAN SEND YOU?

In reply to by Daniel Green

Yes, I saw that you mentioned unique names, but again, I'm asking what specifically the names are. A screenshot of the folder listing could be useful, showing names and modified times. And similarly, the full and complete exact text of the error message you receive would be useful, and again, possibly a screenshot. Be sure to also say what OS you are on, and whether there are any backup or cloud sync utilities (eg, OneDrive, Time Machine) running in that folder.

Last thing you could do is stop shouting :-)

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