Musescore rest note placement problems

• Oct 5, 2024 - 03:23

I have set Hi hat & snare as voice1 and Kick drum as voice2. The position of rest notes in voice2 varies in different places. I want them to be arranged on the same horizontal level (the same line as kick drum). How can I do it?

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The rest note will go up a bit once there is no any snare. The whole score is so untidy!!! Can anyone please tell me how can I fix this problem in a simple step. Thank you.

In reply to by kwanorz95

In one "magic" step, I don't think so, or maybe it just slipped my mind. But try this to see if it's better for you.
1. Right-click on a rest of Voice 2 / Select / More / Check "same voice" / OK
2. In Properties panel: Untick "Auto-place"
3. Click on the "Appearance" tab, and test the wished result by changing the vertical offset value (e.g. to 1?)

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