Project unable to open after crash

• Oct 12, 2024 - 21:54

Hi! I'm currently using Musescore version 4.4.2 on my Macbook Air to work on a full orchestra piece that's about 10 minutes in duration.

I've just duplicated the original file to begin working on percussion part assignments, which caused the first corruption in the score to appear in the cymbals part, crashing when I tried to fix the corrupt measures, so I ended up manually re-entering the notes into a duplicated instrument. That solved that issue, but the incorrect beat count corruption happened again in an instance where I was going to change the 5/4 bar to a 3/4 with a 2/4 following it, so that solved that issue also. I'm guessing since the project was getting so dense with articulations and instrument/staff type changes that it became too large and less stable?

However, the last crash that happened was while I was changing a redundant triplet (image 1).
After the crash, I tried opening but I just keep getting the mac loading circle and over time, my storage starts to fill up to the limit (245gb), and I get this message (image 2). This is my current macbook storage (image 3), and before this, I deleted about 20gb worth of documents to see if that would solve the issue, but it seems that it just keeps generating more space the longer it tries to open the project. I think the file is just too corrupt to open because It shouldn't be that different in size from the one it was duplicated from, which still opens fine, but all of my part assignments, instrument changes, and edits that I've spent the last 3 days working on are on the duplicate.

Any help on this matter would be very greatly appreciated, thank you!


  1. Your images did not attach.
  2. Can you share the project file with us? Preferably both versions - the working original and a duplicate.

In reply to by joshuaecp2005

  1. I'm attaching the file fallingtidesrise-percussion_0_parts_removed.mscz with all the parts removed. At least the file opens. This is something I can do quickly. Of course, if you made significant changes to the parts, these changes are lost in the file I attached.
  2. It would take a long investigation to find out the cause of the problem so I could create an issue for the developers.
  3. Apparently there is a problem with a memory leak in Musescore. But I don't have this problem under Windows. Apparently this problem is specific to Mac or related to MuseSounds, which I don't have either.

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