MuseScore4.4.3Portable (Symbol Chords)

• Oct 19, 2024 - 11:21

See what happens if slightly more extended chord symbols are added to the note notation.
Either the Chord Symbol overlaps other notes, or the Chord Symbol expands the note in one place, or the Chord Symbol overlaps the top or bottom of another Chord Symbol. It is enough to use slightly longer chords and such errors appear throughout the musical notation. This is where the manual use of the “Top Index and Bottom Index” function for the Chord Symbol function would come to the rescue, and the readability and aesthetics of the entire musical notation would immediately improve, taking on a professional appearance.
I would add that this function (Top and Bottom Index) is, of course, in MuseScore, but it does not work at all in the Chord Symbol function. This is some kind of bug that has not been fixed so far.
I checked other - paid sheet music editors and there the chord symbol notation works correctly.

Translated with (free version)

Attachment Size
Chords Symbol.png 255.07 KB

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