ctrl-c ctrl-p sometimes doesn't work on win11 musescore 4.X

• Oct 21, 2024 - 11:13


Very annoying bug. Only in Musescore I have this. I couldn't find the exact use case on how to repoduce but after a few operations suddenly ctrl-c/x/p/s/z/y doesn't work. I can still use the menu Edit>Cut/Copy/Paste... Very strange. I never had it in other apps. I have to re-open the app.

It might be due to:
Focus Management: Key events might not reach the correct widget due to focus issues after certain operations.

Shortcut Conflict/State Corruption: Shortcuts could be unregistered or their state corrupted after a sequence of operations.

Event Loop Blockage/Thread Locking: Long-running operations may block the event loop, preventing key events from being processed.

Platform-Specific Input Handling: Windows-specific quirks could affect how key combinations are captured or processed by the event handler.

Clipboard or Input State: Clipboard access issues could prevent further key events like Ctrl+C/Ctrl+X from working.


Perhaps your CTRL key is faulty? Have you turned your keyboard upside down and given it a good shake. I am usually disgusted at how much dross falls out when I do that.

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