Tasto "Riavvolgi"

• Oct 23, 2024 - 16:02

Poco fa ho postato un interrogativo sul tasto RIAVVOLGI ma ho dimenticato di specificare che nella versione 3 lo stesso tasto agiva in modo diverso e riportava all'inizio. Ora (ho da poco installato la versione 4) l'analogo tasto non lo fa.


Google Translate says;
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"Rewind" button

I posted a question about the REWIND button a little while ago, but I forgot to specify that in version 3 the same button acted differently and took you back to the beginning. Now (I recently installed version 4) the analogous button does not do that.
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Works exactly the same for me on version 4 and always has. Possible you need to Help / Revert to factory settings?

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