change value of beginning notes in a measure

• Nov 1, 2024 - 01:08

I'm writing chant in single measures per system. I have a measure with 19 beats, filled with all the notes and lyrics. I now realize that the first two notes are incorrect. They are an 1/8 note and a dotted quarter. I need to make them a quarter note and a half note, resp. So, I changed the measure to 20 beats, deleted the rest that it put at the end of the measure, and tried to change the value of the first two notes to a quarter note and half note. But in doing so, it deleted the next two notes after that. It doesn't allow me to simply change these values, even though there now are enough beats in the measure to do so. How then do I change these note values without having to redo the whole measure, and without it stealing away from the notes that follow after the ones I want to change? Thanks.


I think I just figured it out. I changed the measure to 20 beats. Highlighted the notes after the ones I want to change, did a Control-X, which removed them from the measure, then changed the values of the first two notes, and then pasted (Ctrl-V) the remaining measure in. With a few adjustments it looks right. But is there another way, or is that the best way to do it?

In reply to by caholwey

Sorry, I don't do stuff like this very often. I just tried insert mode. I wrote a measure like yours. Turned on Insert Mode. Inserted a 1/4 note and a 1/2 note. Deleted the notes I didn't want. CTRL+delete the rests that resulted. So that worked, also. I don't know if one is any better or quicker than the other.

In reply to by bobjp

Wow, that's pretty cool. I learned something new here, about the Insert mode. It took a while to find it, but I did. If you need to insert notes anywhere in the measure, without changing what's there, it works great. But if you want to change the value of notes that are already there, like I was trying to do, I think it might be better to do what I wrote about originally, without too much extra work. But thanks again. This is very good to know...

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