
• Nov 1, 2024 - 23:38

it doesnt seem like there is an option in musescore 4 to change the duration of a glissando like there was in musescore 3. In jazz the gliss is meant more like a rip going into the next note, rather than a chromatic scale going to the next note. I could just be missing the setting, and that would be wonderful if i was, but it would be a nice feature to have in a future update, if im not just looking past the setting


I think this is what you mean?

Click the glissando symbol to select it. Then view the Properties tab (upper left). Click the button for Playback and change the value of the Spread Delay.

It appears that it will accept values as low as "0.01", but I can't hear any difference in any value less than "0.1". From

In reply to by SethLee251

What version of MuseScore Studio do you have? Help / About MuseScore Studio. Then click the button with the icon of two pieces of paper, next to the Revision number. This copies the version information so that you can paste it into some other document (like a thread post here :-)

In both version 4.2 (which I had installed when I responded to this originally in November) and 4.4.4 (which I have today), I see only the Spread Delay option, nothing about style, chromatic, white keys, or black keys. I can't find that option anywhere, which is odd because I know I've seen it somewhere before.

In reply to by TheHutch

" I only have the option for the style, such as chromatic, white keys, and black keys"

For the Glissandos, the "default" is chromatic, then by going down the list, you then have White keys, Wlack keys, Diatonic, and Portamento - image below -, which is what you're probably looking for.

" I see only the Spread Delay option, nothing about style, chromatic"

You're confusing them with Arpeggios.


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