Rit Playback

• Nov 16, 2024 - 12:13

I've cut and pasted the attached last few bars from a quartet score I'm working on. I want the bars in volta 2 to rit and have selected that from the Tempo pallet. I've selected the dotted line and gone to properties but no matter what value I put in the playback tempo variance field, it just slows to a crawling rate which I can't change. I would be most grateful to know what I'm doing wrong. Thanks.

Attachment Size
Rit Example.mscz 30.42 KB


In reply to by bobjp

Yes I agree. That was a mistake on my part that I hadn't noticed and thanks again for spotting it. But rather than allow the rit function to cover a fermata and then not work properly, I think it would be better not to allow it to be placed over a fermata. Musescore has lots of other situations where the 'rules' of notation are automatically observed and it seems to me that this little one might be included with them.

In reply to by Peter B

OTOH, consider that MuseScore did what you told it to do. At least to the best of its ability. A real player might not have a problem with it the way you have marked it. I only spotted it because I write for playback only. So I write some things in such a way that I would not need to for real players.

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