Positioning of Text (eg. rehearsal marks and temp) gets messed up when creating parts with multiple instruments

• Dec 7, 2024 - 15:06

Hi, just wondering if anyone else had encountered this.

Context: I have a concert band score with tempo and rehearsal markings (amongst other things) that appear nicely where you'd expect, just above the top most instrument. The percussionist requested a part where sleigh bells, Mark tree and cymbal where on a single part. Easy I thought.

I created a new part and added the 3 parts by clicking the "eye icon" in the instruments tab - nice. However, I noticed some interesting quirks.

With the Mark tree at the top followed by cymbal and sleigh bells, all the text markings completely vanished.
Reordering to Cymbal, Mark Tree, sleigh bells brough the marks back, but placed them between the Cymbal and Mark tree. Reordering again to Cymbal, Sleigh bells, mark tree moved the markings again to between the sleigh bells and mark tree.

It seems as if the marks will only appear above the mark tree, unless the mark tree is at the top in which case they're not shown at all.

I "reset all formatting" on every part, and nothing changed. I looked at the properties of the markings and everything seems ok... "style" = Rehearsal mark, Position = Above, "Score and part synchronisation": every setting on.

Screenshots attached and any help would be much appreciated!

I'm probably doing something stupid, but If I'm not please can I request that all "score wide" text marks always appear at the top of the score regardless of what order the instruments are in?

[Windows 11 Version 24H2, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.4.3-242971445, revision: eb6b367]


Additionally I noticed that even though the "A" rehearsal mark appears, the others do not. In the whole score, and individual parts, all the rehearsal marks are present.

In reply to by William Reeves

Actually, I just tried deleting the percussion part and recreating it. Some of my issues seem to have "gone away" (glad I captured the screen shots else I would have thought I was going mad!)

However, the position of the rehearsal marks seems "locked" to the order in which the instruments were added to the part. if you try and change the order the rehearsal marks move down the score. So yes, I think there's a bug request there. Please can the rehearsal marks stay at the top please so that reordering can take place?

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