Bizarre noise in playback in MS 4.4.4 oon Mac (Sequoia 15.11)

• Dec 15, 2024 - 18:51

I'd appreciate someone to look at the attached score and its playback. I am getting a strange noise in addition to the notes played from measure 31 to 52 (the intonation is also off during the noise). After that the payback is normal to the end.

I found out that the noise does not appear if I silence the violin, but is present when the piano is silenced and the violin is "solo". I uploaded the score to and the same noise occurs there too. Note that I am using MS basic "instruments" since my computer is too small to handle muse hub.

For those who are curious the piece is the last movement of a violin sonata by a minor French romantic composer named Paul Lacombe, I transcribed a rather hard to read original from IMSLP to generate parts that would work in performance.

Attachment Size
LacombeP_violinsonata2_3.mscz 177.92 KB


In reply to by mercuree

I read the thread on GitHub. I largely don't understand what is going on there, so it seems pointless for me to sign up there. However, my example (which is on the list at Github) differs in some details from the general description of the phenomenon there.
1. The tempo is 108 BPM, quite a distance from 124/3.
2. The measure in question (M. 31) features four eighth notes with staccato dots and a cresc. hairpin over all 4 notes. I tried the following changes to the score and report here the result:
- removed the staccato dots (hairpin present): NO NOISE
- removed the hairpin (with staccato dots present): NO NOISE
- removed staccato dot from the first note (with hairpin present and dots present on the other three notes): NOISE
- removed staccato dot from the second note (with hairpin present and dots present on the other three notes): NO NOISE
- moved the hairpin from the violin staff to the piano staff (with all staccato dots present): NO NOISE

Maybe this helps.

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