Selecting Entire Measure When Trying to Select Single Note

• Dec 19, 2024 - 17:08


The forum here is my exact problem (, but I have not seen an actual solution. I have restarted my MuseScore 4, and sometimes that helps for a few clicks, but it has completely stopped my ability to work on my score.

Yes, I am being specific about where I am clicking.
Yes, my HP laptop has a touch screen, but I am using my finger pad, which has worked just fine before.

I checked for updates and there are none. Has anyone figured out the problem in the last year since that forum post was made?

I am using a brand-new HP laptop that is running Windows 11. Everything is up to date.

Thank you!


When the whole measure is selected, you should be able to press Left or Right arrow keys to unselect measure and select individual notes.
This is more of a hack than a fix but it may help from having to restart MuseScore every time.

In reply to by afworm

Once you have a single note selected (whether it's in the voice you want or not), you can move the selection between different voices by pressing Alt+Up or Alt+Down. Move "Down" from Voice 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4, and then "Down" to the next staff. "Up" (obviously :-) goes in the opposite direction.

Once you have a note selected in the appropriate Voice, move forward and back through that Voice with Right and Left.

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