corrupted file

• Dec 27, 2024 - 05:32

help my laptop shutoff while musescore was open and my file corrupted i need to restore the file

Attachment Size
A Rainy Confession.mscz 511.83 KB


In reply to by krasko78

I haven't seen corrupted log files before. But we usually don't ask users to send diagnostic files in such cases.
And in case of a file open for writing (like in log files), zeros at the end of the file can be explained by the ntfs file system…

But why does this happen with mscz files? I can delete the mscz file even if it is open in Musescore. Does this mean that the file is not open for reading or writing?

  1. Look for the file C:/Users/Cole Norris/OneDrive/Documents/MuseScore4/Scores/A Rainy Confession.mscz.autosave
  2. Look for the backup file, which should be in the hidden .mscbackup folder:
    C:/Users/Cole Norris/OneDrive/Documents/MuseScore4/Scores/.mscbackup/.A Rainy Confession.mscz~
  3. Check file history in onedrive

We see you were able to open the file successfully on the 23rd, then on the 26th it was corrupted. Can you remember what happened between the 23rd and the 26th? When did the laptop shutdown? Why did it shutdown? What happened when you started it again?

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