Showing original clef or time sig. at start of score

• Dec 28, 2024 - 17:34

Editors of scholarly editions often want to indicate that a clef or time signature other than that found in the original source has been used. Typically a small (like one measure) set of staff lines with the original clef or signature is printed at the beginning of the piece; see screen shot for sample. What's the best way to do this in MuseScore?

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Screenshot 2024-12-28.png 32.67 KB


You can create a score with Musescore (even with 6 lines! -> 'Staff/Part properties...' context menu) with the view you want, copy it with 'Image Capture' and paste it at the beginning of the other score.

In reply to by redux02

There is also a second way to do what you need (provided you don't care about the six lines...), that is to insert a 'Horizontal Box' between the first and second measure, and handle any unwanted objects by making them invisible. It's just a matter of working on it..

In reply to by ILPEPITO

Your second suggestion is excellent; I am well acquainted with frames but did not think to use one this way. (My current project requires only five lines on a staff 😅.) One could use separate images to avoid any issues arising from differences between grand staff spacing. But then one would have to get the images perfectly positioned vertically relative to the staff. I have sometimes wished that MuseScore could use guidelines the same way that my publishing programs do – just pull down a guideline from the ruler and you can line everything up just right.

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