How to insert note between two notes in measure without erasing current note

• Dec 28, 2024 - 18:21

Im new to muse score,
Im trying to insert a note in a measure in between two notes.
I cant figure out how to insert a note in between without overwriting the note in the space i want to write in.
Is there any way to space the notes over to the right so that ill have a space to write a new note between them?

Heres a screen pic, with the note i want to write in red.

The current solution i found which is not practical in a large project was cutting out all the notes from that space onwards, writing in the new note, and then pasting them after that. but im hoping theres a simpler way to do this

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You could use insert mode but be aware that adding a note there also increased the duration of the measure.


Cut and paste even of long sections is no problem really. Click on the first note, Shift +Click on the last note. CTRL+X to cut. select the destination and CTRL+V to paste.

Also, your score already seems to have problems (unless you really want the measures to have unequal durations): note the grey minus signs above measures 3 and 4. That indicates that their duration is shorter than indicated by the 4/4 time signature. Thus measure 3 is actually 15/16 and measure 4 is 9/16. If you right click in the measure you can adjust the actual duration to match the nominal duration - see

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