Dynamics between p and mp, mp and mf, mf and f ?

• Jan 3, 2025 - 18:28

Is there any development possible to add dynamics that are between the standard dynamics,
for many times mp is too quiet and mf too loud (same with p and mp and mf and f ) ?
Shouldn't be that difficult.


"Shouldn't be that difficult" - that's the spirit. It's a free program and you're free to contribute to its development. What do you propose to call your new dynamics - mmp, qf (quasi-forte) etc.? And would they apply equally to all instruments or would it be better to have a matrix of loudnesses that apply differently to different instruments?

In MS3 you can define custom velocity levels for any dynamic marking or set the velocity level manually on any note. I tend to mark custom dynamics with a + symbol. So, for somewhere between f and ff I would mark it as f+ and set the custom dynamic accordingly.

See https://musescore.org/en/handbook/3/dynamics

If you are using MS4 then you will need an MS4 user to make suggestions.

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