Arrangement question for strings

• Jan 15, 2025 - 14:01

Good morning everyone :)

I am quite new to arranging strings. I have come up with a short piece that I wrote for a song of mine and that I quite like however when trying to write it down on paper, I came accross several issues.

The thing that I wrote sounds great in my song but it feels totally unrealistic regarding how string music is actually written. I just did a bunch of chords and a melody on the top.

Being really unfamiliar to the world of string arrangement I would like your help on that matter. What would you suggest to be best for this piece ? How many strings and which of them ? (violin, viola, double bass, celo, ...)

I am quite confused because the chords that are played throughout the music have a range that spans from D1 to D4.

(the musescore file was done automatically importing midi file from my DAW, only the audio is actually relevant)

Thank you so much !

Attachment Size
violins_musescore.mscz 57.45 KB


Sorry, but your score is basically unreadable and unplayable. Read the MuseScore Handbook thoroughly and ask some string players for advice.

Actually, i dont think its a question of "how to arrange strings", its a question about "how to write readable and playable score sheet". Can you read/write scores? Could you write a piano score for a pianist to play your piece?

Writing for strings is similar as writing for choirs, each voice plays a single not and all together its a harmony. The number of strings (violin, viola, ...) depends on the number of notes you put into a harmony or akkord.

You could download any classic piece (Bach, Mozart, Beethoven) etc. from in order to see, how strings are scored. Your score example looks like the typical totally unreadable MIDI import. MIDI is not designed for scores.

Actually, this score is quite readable. It is typical output from a DAW. It is playable seeing as the composer actually played it.
I would change the treble clef signs in both staves to bass clef so that you have a better understanding of where the notes are on the staff. Triads (chords) in lower strings tend to just sound muddy. You will need to familiarize yourself with string instrument ranges. The opening few chords might be cellos and bass only. Adding viola and finally violins. However the feeling I get from the way you played this is that so many of the chords have a ta-DA feel. Slightly more suited for woodwinds or brass. But only slightly. Just a thought.
But as far ass arranging goes. Just make sure you stay with instrument ranges.
The DAW output is almost exactly how you played it. If you held a note a 32 longer, or started early, that is reflected in the printout you see here. It looks more complicated that it really is. Think about what you were trying to play
Good luck and have fun.

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