Long tones sustaining way too long
I have a score (full concert band instrumentation) and there are sections where I head a low note/chord just droning on for measures and measures past where the actual note ends. It’s nothing with my notation (I don’t think), everything looks right, but the playback just gets messed up bc of this. I can attach the score later if anyone is interested. Any feedback would be helpful.
There are a few things that can cause this. One of them being a staccato on a note where there is a not quite properly place hairpin, But we might need to see the score to be sure.
In reply to There are a few things that… by bobjp
Can you search Siege - ghshupe and see if it comes up. The newest version should be called Siege (11/21). If you listen to it you should hear what I’m talking about. Starts about halfway through