Customizable music fonts

• Jan 18, 2025 - 22:48

I've been using musescore for 2 years and a bit more, and I've used other music notation softwares as well, and in most of them, users can modify the default music fonts with some font creation software, but in musescore that option is not available.
I feel that adding music font customization to musescore would be a small change but it could help a lot in the customization of our scores :D


MuseScore has some build in SMuFL fonts that you can use already: see Style/Score/Musical symbols font.
As announced here , MS 4.5 should have:
And thanks in part to the efforts of one of our community contributors, we'll be bringing the use of custom SMuFL fonts to 4.5.
You might think that is a small change, but it is not.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

As announced here , MS 4.5 should have:
And thanks in part to the efforts of one of our community contributors, we'll be bringing the use of custom SMuFL fonts to 4.5.

@jojo > My MuseScore 3.7 Evolution has that feature since quite a while...

Does this mean that MuseScore in Ms3.7 users can access any SMuFL font installed as a system resource?

And that the same functionality should arrive in MS4.5?

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