Muse Sounds Not Appearing in Mixer

• Jan 19, 2025 - 00:16

I have the most recently updated version of Musescore installed but I've found that Muse Sounds are not appearing in the mixer options for each instrument. The only ones that appear are the default MS basic ones that sound terrible. I have checked and all of the sounds are installed through Muse Hub and Muse Sounds show as active in Playback Settings. What am I doing wrong? This seems like a bug.


On that same menu, what is "Set as default for new scores" set to? If it's unclicked, then click it. Reload the program. If it's still no good, try uninstalling Muse Sounds and then reinstalling. Good luck.

Also, in MuseScore, go to Diagnostic>MuseSampler>check MuseSampler. the version should be 0.100.7. If not check to see if there is a HUB update.

In reply to by bobjp

And just like that Muse Sounds went away. Worth noting that my score became corrupted so I opted to reload it from the last save. I continued editing and suddenly they reverted back to Muse Basic lol. No idea what changed. Truly a rollercoaster of an application.


Muse Sounds reappeared the other day randomly, then today they disappeared after one of my scores became corrupted and I reverted it to the last save. I'm really not sure why they arbitrarily disappear and reappear sometimes.

In reply to by bobjp

My Musesampler option under Diagnostics says "Muse Sampler Library Not Found", not sure if I told you that already

My one score became corrupt, I think, due to me adding a lot of notes and several voices to a measure of the cymbal part. Note that this isn't a common problem, and that the Muse Sounds problem preceded it as well. It just seemed to be the trigger this time.

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In reply to by bobjp

"My Musesampler option under Diagnostics says "Muse Sampler Library Not Found", not sure if I told you that already
My one score became corrupt, I think, due to me adding a lot of notes and several voices to a measure of the cymbal part."

I don't believe that any particular score, however corrupted, could be the cause of this problem.

On the other hand, I can testify to a recent personal experience on one of my computers: the motherboard's CMOS battery had given up the ghost some time ago.

Before I decided to change it, I was also receiving a "Muse Sample Library Not Found" message. I finally realized that this was related (in my case, not necessarily in yours?) to a Date and Time problem. When I manually changed these parameters in Windows Settings (Time and Language / Date and Time), Muse Sounds were displayed and Muser Sampler was found.

In case I forgot to update for a day or two, bing... problem again.

The battery has now been changed, all's well. But I can reproduce the problem from any computer (simply by changing the day and time, say, for the previous day).

Today is 26/01, so if I manually change it to, say, the 25th, I've got your (and my old) problem. To sum up, the "Set time automatically" parameter must absolutely be enabled (... and that the CMOS battery is working normally, of course!)

In reply to by Official Mercury

I'm not sure whether to call it a Muse Hub or Muse Sounds bug (hilarious, bizarre or not). I had exactly the same problem with my e-mail inbox, where "new" messages weren't displayed when I hadn't updated the date and day (we can understand why!) And I guess some relative bad things in others apps too.

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