Voice 1 and Voice 2 messing up my single melody.

• Jan 21, 2025 - 01:39

Im having really bad trouble with a midi file im importing into MuseScore.

Im exporting a midi file of a single SIMPLE melody from my DAW and then importing it to musescore. Although for some reason the software is creating 2 voices for a single melody and it's making it terribly confusing. I have no idea what's causing it or how to just have one voice doing the simple melody.

Can somebody please help me.

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Screenshot 2025-01-20 at 8.38.41 PM.png 413.09 KB


If possible, things might go better if you set everything to a single MIDI channel in your DAW. Then export to MIDI.

Regardless, once you have your MIDI file:

• You'll have more control when importing your MIDI file into MS3.6 or MS3.7.

• If you still have similar voice problems after importing to MS3 there's still help:
yonah_ag wrote a Merge Voices plugin that "flattens" a multi-voice part into a single voice. I've used it with great success.

If any of the prior steps solve your problem, save the MS3 score and open it in MS4


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