How to put audio of someone playing into score?
Hi! Recently I found a few scores on MuseScore and one thing caught my attention. Audios in them were from real-life performances. How to do that? I looked on forums and researched almost everywhere but I couldn't find the answer. I wanna publish my score and MuseScore playback isn't satysfying for me.
Examples of scores:
It is a feature on, you can sync a score's playback with a YouTube video (and its sound)
In reply to It is a feature on musescore… by Jojo-Schmitz
Could you precise where it is? I can't find it
In reply to Could you precise where it… by ikm_23
Might very well be restricted to Pro users
In reply to Could you precise where it… by ikm_23
It is the ... menu of a score under "Manage audio sources"