Trill placement

• Jan 29, 2025 - 15:18

I have an issue with Trills (added from line pallete) in separate meausures that seem to interact when I try to place the trill in different measures. I am attaching a file copied from a score with trills on voice 1 of bass staff. Autoplace is unchecked althrough this does not stop the behavior I desccribe. I am trying to place both trills below the staff and if I move one down, the other goes to the top. Happens if I drag with mouse or use the offset in properties. Autoplace has no effect. When the trill line is selected it clearly shows the notes in its own measure as highlighted and nothing overlaps. There is a measure between as well. So can only have one trill line below since the other one always moves up.

Attachment Size
Trills.mscz 19.52 KB


Sounds like a bug to me.

I found a method which allow you to get one above and one below the staff, just in case it helps.
Select the first trill, and in the properties panel select Above in the Placement section.
Select the second trill, and in the properties panel select Below in the Placement section.
Now, with the trill still selected, press CTRL+R.
Now select the other trill and press CTRL+R again.

Not sure though why you would want the second below the staff and the first above.
It also seems that the Above and Below options work when Auto placement is enabled. CTRL+R is enabling that as well.

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