Make notes small increases size.

• Feb 2, 2025 - 18:36

In this chart in the 1st bar of the [A] section the 1st 4 notes are cue notes for tenor parts, just prior to the glasses symbol. When I select them and go to "notes" and select small they increase rather than decrease in size.

Attachment Size
This_One's_For_You Score.mscz 37.47 KB


In Format > Style > Sizes you have set 'Small note size' to 120%, so then they will be 20% larger.
Press the 'Reset to default' (circular arrow) to return to 70% - then the notes will be 30% smaller.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Noted and (3.7) removed..

I believe there was a problem for me with this previously and you told me how to fix it.

When I checked in this instance, it was improperly set. After trying to alter it to the proper setting I discovered that I had saved the improper setting as a part of my style settings so it would always appear as the improper size.

I have fixed it. :-)

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