
• Feb 4, 2025 - 13:56

Thanks for all your help and patience.
I noticed that in one or two measures of one of my compositions, the first note that measure is really close to the bar line and making the lyric close too.
Is there any way to move a note away from the bar lines and thus the word attached to it? Also, is there a way to delete the unneeded measures at the end of the composition other that one at a time?


> Is there any way to move a note away from the bar lines
Yes, try applying the lyrics anyway - the notes will then be set wider.
Then try resetting the layout by selecting it and applying Ctrl*R.
If this does not help, spacing can be set in the note properties.
And you can apply a system break with fewer measures per system...

> is there a way to delete the unneeded measures
Yes, Tools -> Remove Empty Trailing Measures

I recommend this to every new (or "new-ish" :-) user I communicate with. Take an hour or two and simply read the entire MuseScore 4 Handbook. Don't try to memorize it! Just skim through it and familiarize yourself with the contents! But read it all!!! Then you'll have an idea where to find things when issues come up in the future. "Didn't I see something about that in the Handbook?"

Welcome aboard and best of luck!!!

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