Creating the chart

• Feb 6, 2025 - 14:42

How do I record the piano?


I may be misunderstanding, but ...

Create a chart (a "score") by entering the notes and rhythms in the MuseScore Studio program. See the MuseScore 4 Handbook. The "Basics" ( chapter is the most immediately important.

After that, the sections titled "Instruments, staves, and systems", "Rhythm, meter, and measures", "Pitch", "Expressive markings", "Repeats", "Text", and "Formatting"

I recommend this to every new (or "new-ish" :-) user I communicate with. Take an hour or two and simply read the entire MuseScore 4 Handbook. Don't try to memorize it! Just skim through it and familiarize yourself with the contents! But read it all!!! Then you'll have an idea where to find things when issues come up in the future. "Didn't I see something about that in the Handbook?"

Welcome aboard and best of luck!!!

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