How to draw a beam across staffs
I am working on a transcription of Rachmaninov Op. 41. In No. 3 of this there are sets of two eighth-notes beamed across two piano staffs. How do I do that in MuseScore 4.4.4?
Attachment | Size |
ScreenBeamAcrossStaffs.png | 28.02 KB |
In reply to… by ILPEPITO
@ILPEPITO :: The link on that page doesn't work. Looks like it's misformed.
@bcjohnston :: Try here instead:
In reply to @ILPEPITO :: The link on… by TheHutch
On my browser it works... mysteries of the net!
In reply to On my browser it works… by ILPEPITO
It worked on Firefox, and I am using this method now, though in the end I think it would be better to include everything beamed together on the same staff if possible, easier for a pianist anyhow. What am I saying? "Rachmaninov" and "easier" in the same thought! Many of the passages in the cited work are not playable by a normal human, though Rachmaninov and a few others probably could.
In reply to It worked on Firefox, and I… by bcjohnston
*LOL* ikr