Musescore VDL Sounds don't function when notes are assigned to different staff lines

• Feb 11, 2025 - 07:02

In Musescore VDL, specifically for snare drum, assigning some sounds a different default staff line in the drumset editor breaks playback. The sound that should be there is replaced with a normal hit sound. Specifically, the Rim Shot, Rim, Stick Click, and Cross Stick are the ones I've run into while writing that don't work. There might be more, but I haven't looked into every sound.

I assign noteheads to different staff lines all the time in my marching percussion writing. I'm hoping this gets fixed soon!

(Also, I would really love an update to the fix-to-line plugin. I tried commenting on the github repo and haven't seen a response. It's a functionality I'm sorely missing in my writing process)

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