Chant style help

• Feb 14, 2025 - 15:01

I'm using MS 4.4.4, and in my score there is one measure marked (Chant style), effectively this measure has the equivalant of 39 quarter notes. I thought there was away to change the measure properties to add more notes to a measure? Anyway, how would I enter the notes for the measure marked (Chant style).

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Lady of the Lake 1956_Page_2.jpg 474.36 KB


Here's a brief tutorial which I penned a couple years ago, which might be of some help, or at least amusement. Although looking at the fourth system of your score, which is notated in a style I'd describe as "Anglican chant," I think you could skip verse 2 of mine:

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Psalm_tone_suggestions_(ter).4.mscz 20.25 KB

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