Playback sticks on certain notes

• Feb 17, 2025 - 13:36

I have found playback to be completely broken lately in Musescore 4. Unfortunately, I can't say when it started but I never hit these issues in Musescore 3 and I believe they used to work in musescore 4. I will upload an example of this occurring 100% of the time (at least on my machine). I tried reducing the score down to a single instrument but it didn't seem to then happen. In my case, I am trying to write a part for a Bass Sax. I have the Baritone sax, Tuba and Bass Clarinet part. As yet, I have not written in the Bass sax part but play any one of the other three instruments and you will hear the second note play indefinitely. This problem makes listening to a score difficult/impossible as random notes here and there are just held. There are cases where another note kicks musescore out of this continuous loop but I have not completely characterized that behavior.

Attachment Size
Untitled score.mscz 27.43 KB


Well there is more going on here. I hope they fix the right thing. The hair pins in this case don't work. I write for playback, so it matters to me. The other issue is the placement of the hairpins in relation to the staccato notes. Try this file.

Attachment Size
Untitled score_2.mscz 27.55 KB

In reply to by bobjp

Sorry, I have been unavailable unexpectedly for a few days. I downloaded your score and it appears to work. Is a hairpin not compatible with staccato articulations? I saw another posting claiming this problem would be fixed in version 4.5.0 btw.

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