Copy and past parts of tuplets not always possible, erratic behaviour

• Feb 17, 2025 - 17:39

Maybe a silly approach, but when I want to copy and paste a part of a tuplet part over the tuplet boundary, the paste operation is erratic.

The two notes I want to copy and paste are highlighted in picture "CP_TupletParts1"

1 Sometimes the whole bar in mini Format is pasted, see picture CP_TupletParts2
2 Sometimes a warning is popping up that you cannot paste into a tuplet, see picture CP_TupletParts3 and
3 Sometimes nothing is pasted
4 Sometimes it's correctly pasted

I've managed to recreate the result of 1 and 2, see pictures below. A mini example of my MS file is also attached. Note, in most cases nothing is pasted, sometimes you get either 1, 2 or 4.

I've a Window 11 and use the following MS version
OS: Windows 11 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.4.4-243461245, revision: 2232670.

Attachment Size
CP_TupletParts2.jpg 11.79 KB
CP_TupletParts3.jpg 12.06 KB
CP_TupletParts1.jpg 6.66 KB
CP_TupletParts.mscz 29.8 KB


"... when I want to copy and paste a part of a tuplet part over the tuplet boundary, the paste operation is erratic."

Tuplets are defined within the boundary of the note existing before the tuplet is created. So it's not surprising that the behaviour when copying beyond the boundary is... unpredictable.

As an alternative, have you tried the R (repeat) feature described here in the handbook?

I find that for sections involving tuplets or dotted notes, it's sometimes easier just to lay down the entire rhythm with copy-and-paste or Repeat - even if the pitches are wrong. Then I can go through the whole passage in Repitch mode, which is fast.

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