MIDI export weirdly broken: file contains only 1 note, repeated for every measure

• Feb 17, 2025 - 22:51

As the title says, any exported MIDI files are valid files, but the content is totally wrong. Instead of the composed line(s), the file just contains the first measure, repeated over and over for the duration of the piece.

It seems to be ONLY for this one file. If I open other compositions from months ago or more, they seem to be able to export just fine.

*On Windows 11
*Musescore 4, freshly updated last week
**Checked for updates too
*Trying to import to Synth V if it matters
*Closed program and re-tried
*Rebooted computer and re-tried

Has anyone seen this problem before, or have any advice?
(Original score and one of the exported midi files attached)


For me the score itself exports fine, but the individual soprano part does not. Apparently the repeat measure symbols on the top are being misinterpreted as applying to the soprano staff. Remove them and it exports fine.

I tried in the nightly build for 4.5 and the part exports completely empty. Definitely submit a bug report on GitHub - https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues

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