new Plugin: 12-TET Geometry

• Feb 19, 2025 - 22:17

An educational interactive circle of fifths.



This is cool — I could see this being useful for my students. Is it open source? Would you consider letting me add a part that does a set-class analysis, and allows a 'table' of transpositions/inversions to be automatically generated?

Technically this plugin is truly splendid...however I believe it can be improved in some aspects. In the 'Fifths' mode the two missing key signatures should be added: in addition to "F#/G♭", "B/C♭" and "C#/D♭" should be specified for completeness. For the "Chromatic" mode, I personally had fun rewriting your plugin (which I will not publish here or elsewhere for the sake of correctness) making sure that the initial screen is the one with no accidentals, with the root notes of the major and minor scales highlighted in different colors, and making sure that during the transposition the notes adapt to the new key (flats or sharps depending on the case) with the shifting of the coloring for the new root notes. The result doesn't seem bad to me and the plugin is thus more 'readable'. In any case, the graphics are truly beautiful, unattainable for me.

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