Can someone create a plugin to allow an instrument track to be prelaid or delayed by a new milliseconds, to mimic real musicians?

• Mar 17, 2025 - 22:05

I and several other Musescore members seek a means to delay an instrument or pre-lay it by a few milliseconds, just as a real orchestra would do when the notes are being played by actual musicians. Perhaps in the Inspector, a + ___ ms, or a - ___ ms option could be made for one note or a range of notes in a track, so that the instrument on that track would play or tell the musician to play those notes a bit before or after the other tracks in the score. This would not only truly mimic what a real orchestra does (no one plays their instruments exactly at the same time for all tracks), but would make the virtual player in Musescore 3 or 4 sound more realistic. Hopefully, a plugin to do this on one or more tracks would not be hard to create (would it)???


In reply to by yonah_ag

Yonah ag: Thanks for the post. I have DockArticulation already but don't really use it because I don't really understand what it does. The other of BSG's Plugins don't exactly do what I think I am after. Trillers in particular probably won't work on single notes without adding trills, which I don't want to do. As such, since I already use Musescore 3.62 exclusively, how difficult would it be to create a plugin that will allow any instrument track to be accelerated or delayed by just a few milliseconds? Is this something you could tackle?

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